This Checklist Cured My Bright Shiny Object Syndrome

Getting Everything You Really Want

Successful Entrepreneurs Have Focus and Clarity.  Do You? 


This 10 step checklist will help you determine:


  • The ONE THING that drives you!
  • When to scream “Hell Yes” or “Hell No” – automatically!
  • How you can stop bouncing from thing to thing.

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Access to the FREE Checklist will be sent to the email address you entered above!

Instead of pursuing every opportunity that popped up and wasting my time and resources on unproductive ventures, I focused on those that fit my core values that David helped me define during the course.

By achieving that clarity, I landed our biggest client to date within a month of completing David’s course.

Dennis Lashua

I’ve just been through my core values exercise again. I have to say that little exercise really separates the men from the boys so to speak. What an awakening, and how hard was it to select one word for each group.

This is changing each decision that I now make, and I feel a lot better about it.

Craig Hiscox